Sunday, September 27, 2009


You might not initially think of how evilly communist staffing agencies are. After all, streamlining the process of getting temporary workers has been a big part of allowing businesses to avoid having to deal with whiny employees demanding things like "benefits" when they should be thankful for the privilege of having a job. But really, temp agencies are communist vampire leeches on the backs of American entrepreneurs! They charge ludicrous fees on top of what businesses pay their agents, money that could be going into the pockets of the CEOs, VPs, and shareholders who have risked so much and labored so hard to make the company successful. Really, temping agencies are like the worthless drug-addled welfare queen homeless bum poor people who don't contribute anything, but just get fat and pregnant and high on the labor of others.

Ergo, temp agencies is COMMUNISM, and should be considered the sworn enemy of all Real Americans!

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